

  • 檢查前三天請保持正常飲食,盡量避免酒精飲品。
  • 若體檢計劃涉及血糖、三酸甘油脂、膽固醇或上腹部超聲波等檢查,需於體檢前8小時停止飲食 (除清水外) 。
  • 若現時正服食慢性病患藥物如高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病、哮喘病等,請依據醫生指示及續服用並於體檢當日將藥物攜同備用。
  • 女士應避免在經期前後7天進行體檢,因經期期間的,可能會影響各項測試結果。
  • 請於體檢當天穿著寬鬆、休閒之衣物,如閣下在體檢當天需進行運動心電圖檢查,請帶備運動服裝及運動鞋。



  1. 購買服務前,請先仔細閲讀【條款及細則】
  2. 確認客戶成功付款後,新都醫療將於3個工作天辦公時間內,透過WhatsApp或致電與你聯繫安排體檢預約。
  3. 此服有效期為購買後三個月內,客人需要在指定時間内使用相關服務。
  4. 所有檢測項目不作診斷或治療之作用。
  5. 完成檢查後,報告可另約時間,於新都醫務中心內由醫生講解。
  6. 所有未有到取之檢查報告將於完成檢查三個月後銷毀。
  7. 接受多種信用卡繳費形式(包括:Google Pay Apple Pay、Visa、Mastercard、American Express、JCB);PayPal。
  8. 如有任何爭議,新都醫療保留最終決定權。




【Precautions of Health Check】

  • Please maintain a regular diet and avoid alcoholic drinks 3 days before the examination.


  • Please do not eat or drink at least 8 hours prior to the check-up. Water, however, may be freely taken to avoid dehydration effects on blood sugar and cholesterol tests in the program.


  • Suppose you are taking medicine for chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, asthma, etc. In that case, you can continue taking the doctor’s prescription and please bring along the medicine for the appointment.


  • For females, avoid 7 days before or after the menstrual period. If you are menstruating, you should not have urine analysis because there will be blood contamination which affects the interpretation of the result.


  • Please wear loose and casual clothing on the day of the examination. If you have an ECG examination on the day, please bring along sportswear and sports shoes.


【Terms & Conditions】

  1. Please read the "Terms & Conditions" carefully before purchase.
  2. After payment confirmation, we will contact you via WhatsApp/phone to arrange the appointment within three working days.
  3. The service is valid for 3 months after purchase, and customers should be used the services at the specified time.
  4. All test items are not used for diagnosis or treatment.
  5. After the examination is completed, the report can be arranged at another time and explaining by the doctor at New Town Medical Center.
  6. Unclaimed accounts will be destroyed three months after the completion.
  7. PayPal and Credit card payment methods (including Google Pay, Apple Pay, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB) are accepted.
  8. New Town Medical reserves the right of final decision.